Welcome to my blog for IP&T. I hope we learn a lot about using computer and internet technology!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I downloaded a video on the quantum mechanical double slit experiment. I used the Firefox add-on and it worked really well. It would have been really quick but I couldn't find the add-on at first (as the instruction video on the class website didn't have sound). Concerning fair use and copyright law, if I plan to use the video for instructional purposes, I should be OK, based on the principle that I'm not trying to make money unfairly.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I am blogging about copyright law this week. I think the most applicable topic there for teachers is fair use. I had kind of subconsciously heard about fair use but had never really put a name to it. I think it is really a good idea because teachers, professors, news reporters aren't trying to steal the material to make a buck, but to educate (of course, we educate secondarily to make a buck, but you know what I mean). So anyway, fair use is really wise to include in the copyright code.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Here is my storyboard for my teaching video for project two. I am excited to make a classic physics demo video, which videos I think are important as some stuff cannot be taken into the classroom (car crashes and pool tables come to mind). I think a bit of humor and pizzazz also go a long way for kids who are bored or confused by the more rigorous subjects.
For my video, I need photos and videos which I will take around campus (of me in a classroom and of my friends playing pool), as well as non copyright car crash photos and videos. I also need to modify the videos (make some black and white and possibly grainy and old looking). I will use various genres of music for variety and to fit the scene. I need to figure out how to do voice overs. I need to make an opening title and credits. I plan on using iMovie in the lab.